Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Dyshidrotic Eczema More Condition_symptoms

The answer to the constant tearing of the eyes with the surgeon

How to solve the constant tearing of the eyes, a disorder that affects about one person over fifty per thousand? With surgery. " eyes produce tears constantly - says Francesco Bernardini, surgeon oculoplastico - but usually do not realize it because they are in the nose, where they are ingested. It can happen, for reasons still unknown, there is an obstruction of tube that connects the eyes and nose, naso-lacrimal duct. Then the tears stagnate in the eye, forcing the person to bring along a handkerchief to wipe continuously . A nuisance that does not improve with time, it can even lead to worse consequences. " The drops give temporary relief - Bernardini says - but certainly not reopen the blocked duct, it does not resolve the problem. In the long run, the stagnation of the tear fluid often causes chronic infections and, rarely, acute episodes of abscess of the lacrimal sac . "The solution to this is the surgery to 'remove the eye tearing constantly." In past years the operation was pretty invasive. Provided operation of general surgery, with pockets of blood transfusion because you lose a lot of blood, and a success rate of 50%. One in two patients obtained satisfactory results and that is why many doctors do not recommend it. Today, the intervention has been modernized, making minimally invasive and with a success rate above 90%. Runs in 20 minutes as an outpatient, you will not lose blood, there is no pain and no scars remain. The lacrimal sac is opened in the nose and the tears resume flowing into the nose, solving the disorder, "says Dr. Bernard.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Used Exercise Equipment For Sale In Ontario

The EU wants to lower the maximum volume of MP3 players and iPods, risk to hearing

The European Commission wants to reduce by law the maximum volume of iPods mp3 and the risk sordità.Per prevent 10 million users today risk losing your hearing, the euro area government asks industry to find a solution in the coming months that limits the maximum decibal for music. According to the Commissioner for Consumer Protection, Meglena Kuneva, who presented the demands of EU industry, the makers of music players should limit the volume manufacture, or provide warning messages when the user raises the ' audio above the alert level. But the industry seems more oriented toward solutions read as warnings on the packaging as is the case for cigarettes and a large education campaign played aware.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Wholesale Crochet Headbands

USMA - SanPrecario 1-2

Prima partita fuori casa e grandi emozioni per la SanPrecario e i suoi Supporters. Andiamo in casa della USMA, in un gran bell'impianto. La partita la fanno loro; pronti via e ci schiacciano in area, now called the doorman to the extraordinary. Once you save the bar, the second captain of the choirs Supporters point out the difficulty of the moment and we are also forced a couple of substitutions due to injury. We bring home a first time of pride and strength with a good dose of luck. In the second

changing music, games twenty-five minutes very good, great intensity and presence in all departments, so much sacrifice and commitment. We are winning, a great free-kick from the edge to climb over the barrier that dies on the opposite pole, the goalkeeper can do nothing. Now we have the merit of keeping a cool head, despite some provocation too, the reaction of the owners do not you wait, but we know aspettarli.Ripartiamo with the dangerous counterattack and won with a big foray into a penalty area. Great transformation, the goalie guesses but the shot is to learn two to zero and twenty minutes to play.

E 'Battle in every area of \u200b\u200bthe field, hard and true. The home team does not want to surrender, he knows he has thrown away a lot and wants riprebere least a draw. At five minutes to go shorter, realizing a pressure and a constant presence in the attacking midfield. E'tardi and the time is not enough, the Supporters, many even today, and players are having a party with them knowing that they had brought home a great result.

We liked the spirit of the will, the capacity not to know how to suffer and we are still looking for our identity, seems to have understood also fortunate that today we have stood by and joining in a sweet embrace. Congratulations to the brave and strong opponents, the joy of the result is also proportional to the strength of the opponent, and now another game, you keep calm and trying to do the very best ... SanPre ... more ...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Cativation Plate Replacements

Diagnosing the flu after the first sneeze, a new U.S. study

A group of U.S. researchers are trying to verify that you can diagnose the flu before it gets the classic symptoms such as sneezing or coughing: to do so were enrolled hundreds of college students, who get the contact with the researchers just a fellow dorm or class falls ill. When scientists identify a sick boy, submit all their 'bench near a dormitory or a test based on the analysis of a few drops of blood. The test, being tested, aims to identify the molecular changes that occur in the body while it tries to fight the onset of a viral infection: researchers Duke University, led by geneticist Geoffrey Ginsburg, these indicators called the "genomic fingerprints" that show when the immune system begins to fight a viral respiratory illness. In a series of previous experiments, U.S. scientists together with colleagues in London had tested the effectiveness of the test volunteers who were infected directly in the nose with different respiratory viruses. The review has correctly identified the "genomic fingerprints" in people who would be soon developed the flu or other respiratory illnesses. Funded by the U.S. Department of Defense with $ 19.5 million, the study hopes to demonstrate the ability to diagnose great advance in subjects who were infected by the flu. In practice, this could lead to procedures for isolation of those infected in order to limit the spread of the virus.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Lymphomas More Condition_symptoms

SanPrecario - Veggiano 1-1

Start over the years and football debut in the home. Lots of news: sports club was founded in the representative calcium to 5, the team have added new elements and were incorporated into a new group.
The stadium is still the same, the legendary Appiani there will be more than one hundred Supporters and friends who do not miss their support to the team.
It's hot, after a week of rain, and during the minute of silence in the gallery is a banner for the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan and anti-war supporters and POL have not lost their desire to change the world .

suffer, as it should, there are some missing and you have to set new grafts, however, create some opportunity, then the only real blunder take the goal.
The reaction is, we spend half an 'hour the second time in attacking, we collect penalties and some good action, then win the penalty
which takes all even. The forum explodes in a ten minute standing ovation and cheering possessed. The team takes it hard and applause at the end for everyone.
We broke the ice and we started on the right foot this year, now on the next.
welcome back and good league ...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Mortgage Bankers License For Sale

A new antibody to fight lymphoma

From 2013 will be available in more than a weapon 'to fight lymphoma, a cancer that attacks the lymphatic system and they suffer more' than 1 million people in the world. This is a new third-generation monoclonal antibody that has three characteristics that are different from those of previous generations: is glyco-engineered, the site of his attack on the CD20 receptor is different from that to which it binds to rituximab, and its mechanism azione di basa su una rilevante attività pro-apoptotica. Nell' attesa l'importante è " diffondere la conoscenza in modo che il malato abbia la consapevolezza di avere una malatia spesso guaribile quasi sempre curabile ", dice il professor Franco Mandelli, presidente dell'Associazione italiana contro le leucemie-linfomi e mieloma (Aim). " Fra i bambini siamo riusciti a raggiungere l'85% di guaribilità, ma non basta. La ricerca deve continuare perchè già ora abbiamo nuovi farmaci intelligenti, che, colpendo in modo mirato solo le cellule tumorali - aggiunge il professore - sono meno debilitanti per il paziente, sono meno tossici e più potenti ". Come conferma anche Maurizio Martelli, a researcher at the Department of Hematology at the University of Rome La Sapienza, " antibody alone does not replace chemotherapy, but his addition has significantly improved the results in terms of complete remission of the disease and survival .

Lymphadema More Condition_symptoms

Chlorine pools can developing asthma and allergies

Beware of swimming pools treated with chlorine, in particularly sensitive people may increase the risk of asthma and allergies, particularly in children already predisposed to these diseases. This was revealed by a study by Alfred Bernard, a toxicologist at Catholic University in Belgium, and published in the journal Pediatrics reported on the website of Reuters. Experts have compared 733 adolescents between 13 and 18 patrons of pools sanitized with chlorine and 114 peer-goers clean pools by treatment with copper-silver ionization. It was found that among young people who swim in pools with chlorine the risk of hay fever has increased from 3.3 (more than three times) to 6.6 times higher than that of teenagers swimming in the clean pool with copper and silver . The risk of allergic rhinitis 2.2 (over twice) to 3.5 times more. It is possible, the expert concluded that the chlorine in the water and breathing in the arrival from the boys is causing irritation of the respiratory tract that makes allergies in those who are already predisposed.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Chicken And Watering System

The shower can be dangerous contain dangerous bacteria inside the speaker

Attenzione alla doccia, i "cipolloni" che spruzzano acqua potrebbero contenere pericolosi batteri. La notizia, pubblicata su "Pnas", arriva dall' Università del Colorado di Boulder negli Stati Uniti. Alcuni ricercatori hanno analizzato 50 diffusori di acqua delle docce in nove città di sette Stati americani (tra cui New York, Chicago e Denver) concludendo che il 30% di questi dispositivi ospitava significativi livelli di Mycobacterium avium , un patogeno legato a malattie polmonari che spesso attacca persone immunodepresse, ma in alcuni casi può anche colpire quelle perfettamente sane, spiega Norman Pace, primo autore della ricerca. Non solo: i ricercatori hanno scoperto che alcuni di qusti batteri e altri patogeni correlati erano riuniti insieme in sottili biofilm che si collocano all'interno dei diffusori della doccia, con una concentrazione ben maggiore rispetto alle acque municipali. Risultato? « Se, aprendo il rubinetto, si prende un getto in pieno viso probabilmente insieme ci arriva una concentrazione particolarmente alta di Mycobacterium avium, cosa che può non essere troppo salutare », sostiene Pace. Alcuni ricercatori del National Jewish Hospital di Denver riferiscono inoltre che l'aumento delle infezioni polmonari negli Usa - dovute a micobatteri non tubercolotici - può essere legato proprio alla preferenza negli anni verso la doccia, rispetto alla vasca da bagno. Anche perchè contaminated water is sprayed in the shower in the air from microgoccioline "Cipollone," particles that can easily be inhaled to reach deep into the lungs. The symptoms of lung disease caused by Mycobacterium avium include fatigue, persistent dry cough, shortness of breath, weakness and malaise, says the specialist. His team has taken samples of showers in homes, buildings and public places in four states of the Union. And found that in small towns and smaller cities the levels of this pathogen in the water of the shower are much less worrying than cities like New York. But then it is dangerous to take a shower? "Probably no, if your immune system is not compromised. But still there is a risk associated with this action, as in every other , "says Pace. And since the speakers for Plastic shower were more frequently contaminated, use metal ones can be "a good alternative."

Friday, September 11, 2009

Grocery Stores Laser Causes Seizure

Attention to the sight of children in school, if they see no evil learn

Attention to view your child for back to school, if you do not see well may not learn. And 'the alarm raised by the Defence Committee Vista. According to a recent survey 51.4% of the association of parents underestimate the problem of having control of their children, seven out of ten do not consider even the necessary eye exams. The Commission's complaint in a note the deleterious consequences of this attitude, including the most serious is that "if the child has low vision, he learns that a view control is essential," says Francesco Loperfido, in charge of Ophthalmology General in the Division of Ophthalmology and Vision Sciences San Raffaele Hospital in Milan and the Commission's consultant Eyecare. Not seeing properly - be it myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism - not only slows the learning, but can also cause stress and anxiety and encourage the pupil to poor posture. For example, the child tends to be astigmatic wrong compared to the book while the short-sighted is very close to the text. The long-sighted, however, must break away from the manual because the vision becomes blurred. "These attitudes are" spy "to watch," warns Loperfido. The recommendations of the expert are useful when you consider that, according to the research data, one in three children (over 33%) from 6 to 13 years has at least one defect of sight (in order: astigmatism, myopia, hyperopia, strabismus). Of these, 20% not well corrected, even though he knows it. When done testing, the next move is to correct with a pair of glasses. For older children, who often use the computer, come from the experts Commission of certain rules of behavior: optimizing screen brightness according to light in the environment. Make a 15 minute break every 2 hours spent at the computer. Provide appropriate lighting as both quantity as quality. The position of the light in the room of study should not reflect on objects or walls, proper lighting situation is when the illuminated object has a constant contrast.