Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fotos De Jessica Simpson

Cambini of Allergy and dogs, are compatible?

Children who are close to a dog in their home less developed eczema compared to others. These are the results of a study published in the 'Journal of Pediatrics' and performed by the team at the University Tolly Epstein of Cincinnati e del Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. L'equipe ha esaminato i dati di 636 bambini arruolati in un maxi-studio sulle allergie infantili. La ricerca esaminava gli effetti del particolato e degli inquinanti ambientali sulla salute respiratoria e le allergie nei bambini. Tutti i piccoli coinvolti erano figli di genitori allergici, e dunque considerati ad alto rischio allergie. I bimbi sono stati sottoposti a test per 17 diverse allergie ogni anno da 1 a 4 anni di età. Ebbene, i ricercatori hanno scoperto che i piccoli risultati allergici ai cani erano meno a rischio di sviluppare eczemi entro i 4 anni, se fin da neonati avevano vissuto con un cane. Per gli altri, quelli tenuti lontani dai quattrozampe, «il pericolo è risultato 4 volte più high, "says Epstein. Unlike dogs, a cat sleep in the house does not seem to have a protective effect on children allergic to cats, indeed. "The children were 13 times more at risk allergic eczema than their peers who did not have a cat at home." For the sake of accuracy, the experts note that children who were not allergic to cats have not been affected in any way the presence of the animal at home. At this point the parents of a child at risk allergies would do well to reflect on these results, when choosing a puppy, concludes Epstein.

Lupis More Condition_symptoms

bisphenol A remain valid limits recruitment in Europe, attention to

not change the upper limit of intake of bisphenol A (BPA), which is of 0.05 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. This was announced from the place of Parma, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). The Panel, after "a detailed and comprehensive" discussion of recent scientific publications and studies on the toxicity of (Bpa) at low doses, they conclude "not to be able to find any new evidence that would cause you to revise the current daily dose intake (TDI). Bisphenol A is used for the production of polycarbonate plastic designed for items such as refillable bottles for soft drinks bottles, containers and coverings of certain food and beverage cans. The TDI is an estimate of the amount of a substance, expressed by weight body, which can be ingested over a lifetime without appreciable risk.
In any case, the bisphenol A was banned in Denmark, the USA and Canada.