Friday, February 5, 2010

Crystal Ladies Bandanas

natural remedy for vitiligo, curry and chilli

natural remedy for vitiligo exist? It could be the curcumin in the curry powder and capsaicin, is found in chili , these substances aiuterebbo to fight skin disease. This was revealed by a study carried out by research groups led by Torello Lotti, Professor of Dermatology and Venereology, and Niccolò Taddei, professor of biochemistry, University of Florence and published online in the journal International Antioxidant and redox signaling.
Vitiligo is that annoying disease that affects Skin, mottled with white spots in Italy suffer about 1 million people. The researchers discovered the importance of those keratinocytes (the main cells of the skin) that are located on the border between the non-pigmented and the healthy. In other words, we can suggest an involvement of these cells in the development and progression of the disease. The disappearance of pigment cells, melanocytes (which produce, in fact, melanin) in skin areas affected would therefore be a consequence of an alteration in the mechanisms of communication between melanocytes and keratinocytes. E 'own use of natural antioxidants such as curcumin and capsaicin, which are respectively in the curry and chilli that face the disease. All this emerged, in particular, a survey conducted on primary cultures of biochemical keratinocytes Becatti by Matthew and Claudia Fiorillo, of the department of biochemical sciences. "The data in our possession - said Dr. Taddei - lead us to begin as soon as the trial on the use of topical preparations, or a cream containing antioxidants for the treatment of vitiligo .